
Slack 報告器

wdio-slack-reporter 是一個第三方套件,如需更多資訊,請參閱 GitHub | npm

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來自 WebdriverIO 的報告器,使用 Incoming webhookWeb API 將結果傳送到 Slack
此套件與 WebdriverIO 6.x 及以上版本相容。

Slack 通知螢幕擷取畫面


WebdriverIO 4.x 或更低版本相容性

此專案與 WebdriverIO 6.x 及以上版本相容。
如果您使用 4.x 或更低版本,請使用 wdio-slack-reporter


最簡單的方法是將 @moroo/wdio-slack-reporter 保留在您的 package.json 中作為 devDependency。

"devDependencies": {
"@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter": "8.1.0"


  • NPM
npm install @moroo/wdio-slack-reporter --save-dev
  • Yarn
yarn add -D @moroo/wdio-slack-reporter

有關如何安裝 WebdriverIO 的說明,請參閱此處


在 wdio.conf.js 檔案的頂部,新增


// wdio.conf.js
import SlackReporter from '@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter';

為了使用報告器,您需要在 wdio.conf.js 中的 reporters 陣列中新增 slack

// wdio.conf.js
export.config = {
reporters: [
slackOptions: {
type: 'web-api',
channel: process.env.SLACK_CHANNEL || 'Cxxxxxxxxxx',
slackBotToken: process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN || 'xoxb-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx...',


支援以下組態選項。若要傳送通知,您必須設定 webhookweb-api。如果同時設定 web-apiwebhook,則會使用 web-api

Webhook (傳入 Webhook)

webhook (必要)

應該傳送通知的 slack 頻道的傳入 Webhook。如果未設定 URL,則不會傳送通知。

  • 範圍:webhook
  • 類型:string

slackName (選用)

username 的值將在 slack 通知中顯示為傳送者。

  • 範圍:webhook
  • 類型:string
  • 預設值:"WebdriverIO 報告器"

slackIconUrl (選用)

要在 slack 中顯示的圖示 URL

  • 範圍:webhook
  • 類型:string
  • 預設值:"https://webdriverio.dev.org.tw/img/webdriverio.png"

Web API (Slack 機器人)

slackBotToken (必要)

應該傳送通知的 slack 頻道的 Web API。需要機器人使用者權杖。機器人存取權杖一律以 xoxb 開頭。機器人權杖需要 chat:writefiles:write 的 OAuth 範圍。更多詳細資訊請參閱下方

  • 範圍:web-api
  • 類型:string

channel (必要)

要將訊息傳送到的頻道、私人群組或 IM 頻道。可以是編碼的 ID 或名稱。更多詳細資訊請參閱下方「如何尋找頻道 ID」 - stackoverflow -

  • 範圍:web-api
  • 類型:string

uploadScreenshotOfFailedCase (選用)

將此選項設為 true 以將螢幕擷取畫面附加到失敗的案例。

  • 範圍:web-api
  • 類型:boolean
  • 預設值:true

notifyDetailResultThread (選用)

此選項僅在 notifyTestFinishMessage 選項為 true 時有效。

如果想要在張貼到 Slack 的測試結果通知中新增包含結果詳細資訊的執行緒,請將此選項設為 true。

  • 範圍:web-api
  • 類型:boolean
  • 預設值:true

filterForDetailResults (選用)

此選項僅在 notifyDetailResultThread 選項為 true 時有效。

將您想要的篩選器新增至此選項的陣列,詳細結果將在 Slack 中篩選出來並傳送到執行緒。(如果沒有篩選器(陣列為空或未定義),則會套用所有篩選器。) 篩選器清單passedfailedpendingskipped

  • 範圍:web-api
  • 類型:陣列 (passed | failed | pending | skipped)
  • 預設值:['passed', 'failed', 'pending', 'skipped']

createScreenshotPayload (選用)


  • 範圍:web-api
  • 類型:function

createResultDetailPayload (選用)


  • 範圍:web-api
  • 類型:function


title (選用)


  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:string

resultsUrl (選用)


  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:string

notifyTestStartMessage (選用)

將此選項設為 true 以傳送通知測試開始。

  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:boolean
  • 預設值:true

notifyFailedCase (選用)

將此選項設為 true,以在報告給 Slack 的測試結果中附加失敗案例。

  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:boolean
  • 預設值:true

notifyTestFinishMessage (選用)

將此選項設為 true 以傳送通知測試完成。

  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:boolean
  • 預設值:true

useScenarioBasedStateCounts (選填) - 僅限 Cucumber

將此選項設定為 true,即可將狀態計數從以測試(步驟)為基礎改為以情境為基礎。(僅限 Cucumber)

  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:boolean
  • 預設值:false

emojiSymbols (選填)


  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:object
  • 預設值
    • passed - ✅ :white_check_mark:
    • failed - ❌ :x:
    • skipped - ⏸ :double_vertical_bar:
    • pending - ❔ :grey_question:
    • start - 🚀 :rocket:
    • finished - 🏁 :checkered_flag:
    • watch - ⏱ :stopwatch:

createStartPayload (選填)


  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:function

createFailedTestPayload (選填)


  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:function

createResultPayload (選填)


  • 範圍:webhookweb-api
  • 類型:function

使用傳入 Webhook

如果您正在使用 webhook,則無法使用執行緒和上傳功能。
因此,與 uploadthread 相關的功能將無法使用。


// wdio.conf.js
import SlackReporter from "@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter";

export.config = {
reporters: [
SlackReporter, {
// Set the Slack Options used webhook.
slackOptions: {
type: 'webhook',
webhook: process.env.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL || "https://hooks.slack.com/........",
slackName: "WebdriverIO Reporter",
slackIconUrl: "https://webdriverio.dev.org.tw/img/webdriverio.png",
// Set the Title of Test.
title: 'Slack Reporter Test',
// Set the Test Results URL.
resultsUrl: process.env.JENKINS_URL,
// Set the notification of Test Finished
notifyTestFinishMessage: true,
// Set the scenario-based state count (Only Cucumber)
useScenarioBasedStateCounts: true,
// Customize Slack Emoji Symbols.
emojiSymbols: {
passed: ':white_check_mark:',
failed: ':x:',
skipped: ':double_vertical_bar:',
pending: ':grey_question:',
start: ':rocket:',
finished: ':checkered_flag:',
watch: ':stopwatch:'
// Override the createStartPayload function.
createStartPayload: function (runnerStats: RunnerStats): IncomingWebhookSendArguments {
const payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;
// Override the createFailedTestPayload function.
createFailedTestPayload: function (testStats: TestStats): IncomingWebhookSendArguments {
const payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;
// Override the createResultPayload function.
createResultPayload: function (runnerStats: RunnerStats, stateCounts: StateCount): IncomingWebhookSendArguments {
const payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;

使用 Web API

若要使用 API,您需要如下的 scopes。
chat:write, files:write. 請參閱下方以了解更多詳細資訊。


// wdio.conf.js
import SlackReporter from "@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter";

export.config = {
reporters: [
SlackReporter, {
// Set the Slack Options used web-api.
slackOptions: {
type: 'web-api',
slackBotToken: process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN || "xoxb-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxx...",,
channel: process.env.SLACK_CHANNEL || "Cxxxxxxxxxx",
// Set this option to true to attach a screenshot to the failed case.
uploadScreenshotOfFailedCase: true,
// Set this option to true if you want to add thread with details of results to notification of test results posted to Slack.
notifyDetailResultThread: true,
// Set the Filter for detail results. (array is empty or undefined, all filters are applied.)
filterForDetailResults: [
// Override the createScreenshotPayload function.
createScreenshotPayload: function (testStats: TestStats, screenshotBuffer: Buffer): FilesUploadArguments {
const payload: FilesUploadArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;
// Override the createResultDetailPayload function.
createResultDetailPayload: function (runnerStats: RunnerStats, stateCounts: StateCount): ChatPostMessageArguments {
const payload: ChatPostMessageArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;
// Set the Title of Test.
title: 'Slack Reporter Test',
// Set the Test Results URL.
resultsUrl: process.env.JENKINS_URL,
// Set the notification of Test Finished
notifyTestFinishMessage: true,
// Set the scenario-based state count (Only Cucumber)
useScenarioBasedStateCounts: true,
// Customize Slack Emoji Symbols.
emojiSymbols: {
passed: ':white_check_mark:',
failed: ':x:',
skipped: ':double_vertical_bar:',
pending: ':grey_question:',
start: ':rocket:',
finished: ':checkered_flag:',
watch: ':stopwatch:'
// Override the createStartPayload function.
createStartPayload: function (runnerStats: RunnerStats): IncomingWebhookSendArguments {
const payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;
// Override the createFailedTestPayload function.
createFailedTestPayload: function (testStats: TestStats): IncomingWebhookSendArguments {
const payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;
// Override the createResultPayload function.
createResultPayload: function (runnerStats: RunnerStats, stateCounts: StateCount): IncomingWebhookSendArguments {
const payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments = {
// do something...
return payload;

支援的 API


類型: () => string | undefined


// getResultsUrl.spec.ts
import SlackReporter from '@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter';

describe('Get the resultsUrl value', function () {
before(function () {
const resultsUrl = SlackReporter.getResultsUrl();
if (resultsUrl) {
// do something...
it('Do something', function () {
// do something...


類型: (url: string) => void


// setResultsUrl.spec.ts
import SlackReporter from '@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter';
import { RESULTS_URL } from '../constants';

describe('Set the resultsUrl value', function () {
before(function () {
const resultsUrl = RESULTS_URL + new Date().toISOString();
it('Do something', function () {
// do something...


類型: (data: string | Buffer) => void

(如果您正在使用 webhook,這會列印警告且不會執行任何動作。)

// terminal console
WARN @moroo/slack-wdio-reporter: Not using web-api or disabled notifyFailedCase or uploadScreenshotOfFailedCase options.
// wdio.conf.js
export.config = {
afterTest: async function (test, context, result) {
if (error) {
const result = await browser.takeScreenshot();


類型: (payload: ChatPostMessageArguments) => Promise<WebAPICallResult>

將訊息發佈至 Slack。
(如果您正在使用 webhook,這會擲回錯誤。)

// terminal console
ERROR @moroo/slack-wdio-reporter: Not using web-api.
// post.spec.ts
import SlackReporter, {
} from '@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter';

describe('Post Function Test', function () {
it('Post a message', async function () {
const payload: ChatPostMessageArguments = {
// do something...
const result: WebAPICallResult = await SlackReporter.post(payload);


類型: (payload: FilesUploadArguments) => Promise<WebAPICallResult>

將檔案上傳至 Slack。
(如果您正在使用 webhook,這會擲回錯誤。)

// terminal console
ERROR @moroo/slack-wdio-reporter: Not using web-api.
// upload.spec.ts
import SlackReporter, {
} from '@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter';

describe('Upload Function Test', function () {
it('Upload a files', async function () {
const payload: FilesUploadArguments = {
// do something...
const result: WebAPICallResult = await SlackReporter.upload(payload);


類型: (payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments) => Promise<IncomingWebhookResult>

將訊息傳送至 Slack。
(如果您正在使用 web-api,這會擲回錯誤。)

// terminal console
ERROR @moroo/slack-wdio-reporter: Not using webhook.
// send.spec.ts
import SlackReporter, {
} from '@moroo/wdio-slack-reporter';

describe('Sand Function Test', function () {
it('Send a message', async function () {
const payload: IncomingWebhookSendArguments = {
// do something...
const result: IncomingWebhookResult = await SlackReporter.send(payload);


如果您想將螢幕截圖以執行緒的方式新增至失敗測試通知,請在擷取螢幕截圖後新增 uploadFailedTestScreenshot 函式。

// wdio.conf.js
export.config = {
afterTest: async function (test, context, result) {
if (error) {
const result = await browser.takeScreenshot();



如果發生以下錯誤,請在 wdio.conf.js 中設定 reporterSyncIntervalreporterSyncTimeout

ERROR @wdio/runner: Error: Some reporters are still unsynced: SlackReporter
export.config = {
// Determines in which interval the reporter should check if they are synchronized if they report their logs asynchronously (e.g. if logs are streamed to a 3rd party vendor).
reporterSyncInterval: 500,
// Determines the maximum time reporters have to finish uploading all their logs until an error is being thrown by the testrunner.
reporterSyncTimeout: 20000,

Jasmine 選項 - expectationResultHandler

在此處新增 uploadFailedTestScreenshot 函式也無法運作。

// wdio.conf.js
export.config = {
jasmineOpts: {
// Jasmine default timeout
defaultTimeoutInterval: 60000,
// The Jasmine framework allows interception of each assertion in order to log the state of the application
// or website depending on the result. For example, it is pretty handy to take a screenshot every time
// an assertion fails.
expectationResultHandler: function (passed, assertion) {
if (passed) {
Adding the uploadFailedTestScreenshot function here doesn't work either.
This is because the function works after every test, so the current test is unknown.

[x] const result = await browser.takeScreenshot();
[x] SlackReporter.uploadFailedTestScreenshot(result);

// Add it here.
afterTest: async function (test, context, result) {
if (result.error) {
const result = await browser.takeScreenshot();


WebdriverIO AI Copilot